Lot’s wife - Жена Лота
In the Bible, Lot was the nephew of Abraham, the
legendary ancestor of the Palestinian peoples. He separated from his uncle and went to live in the Jordan
valley, in the city of Sodom. The people of Sodom offended God by their wickedness, and he sent a rain of fire and brimstone to destroy the city. The only righteous man in Sodom, Lot, was told to take his family
and leave (he city at once. He was warned never to look
back. Out of curiosity Lot’s wife turned her head and
was immediately turned into a pillar of salt.
The phrase Lot’s wife is used ironically to speak of
a woman who cannot restrain her curiosity.
Согласно библейской легенде, Лот узнал о том, что Содом должен быть разрушен. Он бежал из города, обреченного на гибель, захватив с собой жену и дочерей. Никто не смел оглядываться назад. Но, услышав позади оглушительный грохот, жена Лота, движимая любопытством, обернулась и тотчас же превратилась в соляной-столб.